Symposium Invitation


The primary goal of occupational health and safety is to protect the health of workers. Mining is one of the sectors that requires the most intensive labor both in Turkey and worldwide. With the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, which came into effect on June 20, 2012, a proactive preventive approach was introduced, aiming to stop accidents before they occur. Therefore, the greatest goal in occupational safety is to develop measures and standards in all areas to reduce workplace accidents, or even eliminate them entirely.

In this context, the “Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety in Mining” which was organized on a national scale every two years from 2007 to 2015 without interruption, was first held internationally in 2017. The symposium, which was organized internationally in 2019 and 2022, will be held for the ninth time on May 14-15, 2025, in Soma/Manisa as the "International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety in Mining 2025", with the participation of scientists, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, relevant public institutions, leading organizations in the sector, students studying in this field, and our colleagues.

The 2025 Symposium will be organized in cooperation with the Izmir Branch of the Chamber of Mining Engineers (TMMOB) and the Department of Mining Engineering at Dokuz Eylül University. It will cover topics such as legislation on occupational health and safety, occupational safety law, the responsibilities of subcontractors, criminal and legal liabilities arising from workplace accidents and occupational diseases, risk analysis and management in occupational health and safety, personal protective equipment, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, economic analyses of workplace accidents and occupational diseases, occupational safety training, occupational health and safety in underground and open-pit operations, safety in mineral processing plants, search and rescue, occupational safety in the use of explosives, support systems, endogenous fire safety in mines, methane drainage in mines, prevention of gas explosions, safety of work equipment, occupational health and safety in transportation operations, ventilation, prevention of gas and dust explosions, workplace organization in occupational health and safety, and other related topics.

We would be honored to have you join us at the symposium, where we believe that it will bring together world-renowned experts in the field and representatives from the industry to share the latest scientific and technological developments in occupational health and safety, creating a significant international resource on the subject.

Symposium Executive Committee

Submission of Full Papers
Acceptance of Full Papers
Congress Program